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How to rehydrate dry cannabis☘️

How to rehydrate dry cannabis☘️

Dry🍂 —> Fresh🍃

1) Two-way humidity control packs are one of the best ways to help bring moisture back and prevent it from drying out further. Humidity control packs can be left in containers until they become firm and need replacing.

2) Fruit peels from oranges or lemons with natural oils to safely and cheaply rehydrate cannabis.

3) Rehydrating stones can similarly fix dry cannabis by wetting the stone with a few drops of water and leaving it inside your container. Pay close attention to how long you keep these in containers since too much time can create mould.

You can typically rehydrate overly dry cannabis☘️ in one to three hours, but make sure to remove the rehydrating material immediately after.

While picking out your cannabis, taking care of them afterwards is just as important. It’s the best way to ensure you’re always having the best cannabis experiences possible and requires little effort.

credit : canvas cannabis

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